The arrival of Mika...
December not only saw the arrival of rain, it also presented us with an early Christmas present
in the form of Mika, or so she has been baptised by Nicol.
Mika is a very friendly 18 month old cat who someone kindly abandoned.
I never expected to see her after Christmas, after all a young cat, no experience in taking care of herself, cold and wet not to mention what ever other predators that might be out there.
January came and so did Mika, March rolled on and Mika was still with us. So she had survived the winter and although every time we saw her she was ravenous, she remained very friendly, although she has developed an annoying habit of trying to bit me on the ankles whenever I'm walking around the garden and we now need to make sure all the doors are closed otherwise she will get into the kitchen and eat whatever she can lay her paws on.
It is now June and Mika is still with us, she has obviosuly learnt to look after herself when we are not arround, and when we do show up it doesn't take her long show up. I suspect that she shows up at the neigbours house whenever they show up, which makes life easier for her.
The dogs give her a wide berth especially when there is food around, Chispas doesn't want to have anything to do with her. She has become one more member of our extended "family".