we've lost access to the Candeleda weather station On or about the last day of May it went silent, and hasn't been back since..... how am I going to find out how much it has rained?
Monday, June 06, 2011
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Not a great number....
but that's the number of "trees" (you may remember I planted 140 back in September 2009 see 140 and counting...) that have survived into their second year, that means they survived the summer.,
That's not a great survival rate, but it's a start, also I didn't take into account those I planted in amongst the rocks or under other trees. This year I plan to leave the saplings in pots till September, hopefully this strategy will provide better results I'.. let you know in 2012...
update 2013... planted god knows how many but I know how many survived.
Zero, zilch, 0, none.... etc etc
oh well, plan B, keep watching for updates
Not a great number....
but that's the number of "trees" (you may remember I planted 140 back in September 2009 see 140 and counting...) that have survived into their second year, that means they survived the summer.,
That's not a great survival rate, but it's a start, also I didn't take into account those I planted in amongst the rocks or under other trees. This year I plan to leave the saplings in pots till September, hopefully this strategy will provide better results I'.. let you know in 2012...
update 2013... planted god knows how many but I know how many survived.
Zero, zilch, 0, none.... etc etc
oh well, plan B, keep watching for updates
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