Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A wet January

At last after a very dry 2015, January 2016 has brought some serious rain, unfortunately who ever runs the weather station in Candeleda must have goon on holidays so the official numbers are useless but from what I can gather from neighboring regions we are talking in excess of 230 liters..these photos where sent to us by Aurora, wish we had been there

Missing - Mika

This is the last photo I have of Mika, we've not seen her since this was taken on the 9th of September 2015

We are all very sad :-(
This is what the inside of a hot water tank looks like when the anode has been eaten away

and this is what a wooden floor looks like after a hot water tank with a corroded anode looks like after it's had water pouring over it for about two weeks
yep, no floor boards