Monday, October 19, 2009

What is it with windows.

No don't worry this isn't an attack on a certain well know operating system, it's about the real thing, you know those things you look out of, or if you are so inclined, look into.

When we built El Sequero, we concionsuly choose to have large, very large, windows.

The problem is that more than one bird has come to an untimely end flying throught what it considered to be an empty space, only to come to a sudden stop, an much unexpected stop.

This weekend while I was enjoying a hard earned lying, another thump on the window announced that another bird had just discoverd, in this case to late that, what is not there is actually a window.

I managed to identify the bird as a Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva)

140...... and counting
140 What you might ask.
140 trees ...

that I have so far planted in the bottom field. This field was, up until this summer, open to the local goat herder.

Now it's fenced off and with all the rains we've had the little trees are off to a good start, if we don't run them over with the lawn mower, or cut them to shreds with the whippersnipper then we should have a lovely forest, in about 30 years! I hope to show you photos...